Data Retention and Liability Disclaimer:

ConnectNC, Inc. provides email and web hosting services for  communication purposes only. We are not a document repository or long-term storage solution for business records. Customers are solely responsible for maintaining their own backups and archives of all business-related communications, documents, and data.

ConnectNC, Inc. cannot guarantee the preservation or retrieval of any emails, attachments, or other data beyond our standard backup period of 3 days. We are not liable for any lost, missing, or inaccessible emails or data, regardless of cause.

It is the customer’s responsibility to:
1. Regularly backup all important emails and attachments
2. Implement appropriate data retention policies
3. Ensure compliance with any industry-specific regulations regarding data storage

ConnectNC, Inc. strongly recommends that customers implement their own backup and archiving solutions to safeguard their business records and communications.

By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that ConnectNC, Inc. shall not be held responsible for any data loss or associated damages resulting from failure to maintain proper backups.