There are individuals who may send email to you, asking for your account password, or asking you to login to a web site to change your password. These people are posing as technical support people in an attempt to get your account password from you. Once they have your account password, they login to webmail and use your address to send out thousands of “spam” messages across the Internet.
There are a few steps you can take to make sure your account isn’t “hijacked” to use for spamming (sending junk email). First, and most important, never give your password to anyone who is requesting it by email. Don’t login to any web site to change your password or enter your current password on the request of anyone by email. If we feel your account has been compromised we’ll change your password for you. We’ll never email to ask you to do it.
You can read more about this kind of activity, called “phishing,” by going to the following URL:
Second, please make sure your password is strong enough to prevent someone from guessing it. If your username and password are the same, you’re a potential target for account hijacking. Your password should contain upper and lower case letters, numbers and some other character(s), such as symbols or punctuation. Here are a few examples of good and bad passwords.
GOOD passwords
M9ADu%3wQ! (good)
NtiL@e_D5o1sig (even better – more characters)
BAD passwords
1234 (one of the most commonly used and easily guessed passwords)
spaniel (a word in the dictionary)
Please check your password here:
If your password strength is not rated “strong” or “best,” it should be changed immediately!
If you have ANY reason to believe that someone has guessed your password, please call us to change it immediately.