Each day you will receive an email message from the spam filtering service that will contain a list of quarantined items. The report will also allow 3 actions to be taken for each message. The descriptions of the actions you can take are listed below.
This will release the message into your inbox, without taking any further action.
Release and Train
This will release the message and train the spam filter to recognize that this message and those like it should not be considered spam.
Whitelist Sender and Release
This will release the message and whitelist the sender so that no future messages from that sender will be quarantined.
Blacklisting is not needed
Blacklisting a spam messages is no longer needed. Most spammers change email addresses so quickly that blacklisting isn't effective and adding thousands of email addresses to the database can bog down the service. Concentrate on the releasing and training messages you do want, and ignore those you don't want. They will be automatically deleted by the server in 30 days.
View the Message in the Quarantine
If you want to view the message in the quarantine before you release it, click on the subject of the message. You will be taken to the login screen for the spam filter. Please see this article if you don't know your password: