/ Server Settings Print

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These settings will help you to configure your email application.  If you choose to use a mail application provided by a third party, please read their documentation before requesting help, or use a search site to find an answer to your specific question. We use remote support for PCs to solve issues whenever possible. House calls are available on a limited basis, at a cost of $95 per hour (one hour minimum).

Some links are available at the end of this article. Email Settings

Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended)

Username: (use your full email address)
Password: Use the email account’s password.

Incoming Server:
IMAP Port: 993
POP3 Port: 995

Outgoing Server:
SMTP Port: 587 or 465

IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication. Email Settings

Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended)

Username: (use your full email address)
Password: Use the email account’s password.

Incoming Server:
IMAP Port: 993
POP3 Port: 995

Outgoing Server:
SMTP Port: 587

IMAP, POP3, and SMTP require authentication.

Please note:  It is not possible to support every phone or desktop mail application.  If you need help configuring your phone, please check the manufacturer's website or ask the retail vendor for help (Verizon, AT&T, etc).

Special note about Apple Mail: We can provide remote support for Apple PCs if you are able to follow these steps:


iPhone, iPad:

Apple Mail:

MS Outlook:



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